Developmental Milestones

Parents often ask "what should my child be doing at this age?" It is natural to wonder about the development of your child compared to other children and ask, "is my child normal?" Children develop at different rates and they may be quick in one area while slower in another. Don't expect your child to go from sitting to running just because it is their birthday. Developmental milestones are simply average ages that children begin to do certain things. Here are some basic milestones that pediatricians look at when evaluating your child's development during the first two years.

2 Months Holds head steady while sitting.
Smiles in response to face or voice.
Stares momentarily at a spot where an object just disappeared.
4 Months Grasps rattle.
Reaches for objects.
Palmar grasp reflex (hold your finger tightly) is gone.
Stares at own hand.
6 Months Sits without support.
Rolls back to stomach.
Single-syllable babbling (la la la, ba ba ba, etc.)
8 Months Grasps items between thumb and finger.
Stops when hears "no".
Understands one-step commands (give it to me, come here, etc.)
12 Months Walks alone.
Speaks first real word.
Turns pages of a book.
15 Months Begins to run.
Builds a tower of two blocks.
Speaks 4-6 words.
18 Months Runs.
Speaks 10-15 words.
Begins to use 2-word sentences (mommy shoe, etc.)
Pretend play (gives a doll a shot)